Monday {fine} Motor Madness!!

On this manic Monday, I'm sharing a fine motor idea right from my own classroom...

I made these...

'pincer' glove for grasping tasks
'thumbs up' glove for scissors
  ... they don't seem like much, but they're truly one of the best things that I've created for my classroom this year!

What are they?

You can just call them  "Fine Motor Gloves," but my students call them their "Super Gloves."

I picked these gloves up sometime in December at a local 'big box' store for less than $1a pair (and I wish that I had purchased 10 additional pairs!). Initially, they were destined for the dress up corner along with a basket of winter outerwear, then I saw this picture on Pinterest!

My first 'glove project,' was the pointer glove. I simply cut out the pointer finger & instantly the rest of the gloved hand couldn't activate the iPad, forcing the student to utilize only her pointer finger for the task. Success! I think that I'll sew the fingers together, like Lindy from the Considerate Classroom did, to help my students keep all their other fingers in place too!

The first 'glove project' worked so well that I started thinking about other ways to use this idea. What about the kid who couldn't use a pincer grasp to pick up one pompom at a time? or who had trouble stringing beads? I took another glove and cut out the pointer & thumb fingers - tada! Instant visual & tactile reminder to pinch items during the task.

Or what about the child who struggled to hold the scissors w/ her thumb up? (check out this older post for another thumbs up scissor idea) The third 'glove project' was born! I cut out just the thumb - and voila! instant visual & tactile reminder to - put the thumb in the small hole & all the other fingers in the big hole AND keep the wrist rotated with the thumb up.

The kids love them & they're really helping them to focus on HOW they're completing their tasks!

I'd love to see how you're using this idea with your students!