Anchor Words in the Midst of Chaos...

A few months ago, in the midst of life chaos, I began a series of posts on my Instagram feed called #anchorwords. The concepts of an 'anchor word' began during a very stressful time in my life where I found myself faced with many upcoming transitions -- packing a household, preparing our home to sell, moving to a new state, starting a new job and then the daily challenges of balancing work and family. I felt overwhelmed with my life and needed something to focus my mind on to keep me steady and 'anchored' to my changing world; I needed to find my zen and cultivate my own mindfulness practice... that's when #anchorwords was born!

Each week, I picked a word to center my thoughts around and look for inspiration and steadiness across all of the different aspects of my life. I sought out related quotes and Bible verses that connected to my #anchorword and looked for ways that I could apply my meditations to my work in the classroom. Anytime I started to feel especially overwhelmed with life, I'd pull out my phone and take a look at my word on my Instagram feed - almost immediately I'd feel more grounded amongst the chaos.

In the coming weeks and months, I will be sharing some of my #anchorwords.  I encourage you to pause for a moment in the middle of your own chaos to see how it might be helpful in your own life. My hope is that these thoughts on teaching, mothering and wife-ing might bring peace, focus and grounding to some aspect of your own life.
