#anchorwords - LAUGH

Sometimes, when the going gets tough, we lose sight of our happiness and our laughter is silenced. In theses quiet moments, we forget that something as simple as laughing can be enough to turn things around. We need to learn to laugh at ourselves, find humor in our mistakes and restore happiness to life. So today, my #anchorword is: Laugh

I first pondered this thought when I was away at a conference with thousands of other teachers. Although I didn't really know anyone at the conference, I was able to connect with a few teachers over drinks. I quickly realized that it had been far too long since I spent time with 'friends' and found myself laughing uncontrollably about something mundane. After spending a little time with like-minded professionals talking, laughing and eating, I felt recharged and more passionate about teaching that I had in months! Laughter really is amazing medicine!

Make a little time to laugh today... find humor, connect with friends and laugh boldly!

I'd love to hear about your thoughts on this #anchorword....